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Tarot & Spiritual Mentor

Unifying Mind Heart & Spirit

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I have been a student with the Auckland School of Philosophy since 2019 and in 2023 was initiated in a ceremony for meditation.

In addition to philosophical studies, I have trained as a Contemporary Ceremonialist in 2021 with The Auckland Celebrant School, which simply highlights dedication to personal development in spiritual mentorship and pursuit of wisdom. 


The quote from Hermes Trismegistus “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul” is way of seeing that I hold as a key to our whole and resourced humanness.


I am of Sāmoan and Tokelau Peoples lineage (Villages of Falealili, Togafu'afu'a and Vaisiagno) on my Mother’s side carrying into my contexts Pasifika wisdom and healing. My preference is to operate in an innate way of respectful knowing with indigenous values at the heart and activate this within all personal and professional contexts.

Lisa Mullions Tarot Reading


Ritual readings working with Rider Waite & Mythological Tarot. My method is with shamanic ritual and ceremony of the Tarot, co-creating a conversation container where wisdom and all-of-Self can appear.


I have been reading for twenty plus years, acknowledging my teacher of the Tarot ‘Vjerushka’ Anne-Marie Kaminski.


Tarot is a modality that should bring upliftment and consciousness for the fullest expression of your soul and spirit.

Spiritual Companioning
& Ceremony 

This is another strategy from The Virtues Project - Spiritual companioning. This modality of human connection I weave with a ceremonial eye, creating circles of respectful, trustful, safe, trauma informed & integrated being.


My intention is to always bring presence, compassion, care perspective, respect, deep listening and reflection.


In these spaces trauma informed care and integration are key, along with a ‘do not attempt fix, solve, give advice or tell you what to do’ knowing. If there is a place where people need additional resources and professional support, I will follow ethical guidelines and refer for this.


The art of spiritual companioning whether in conversation and/or in ceremony is to provide you with the opportunity to empty your cup, get to the heart of the matter, be reflective in a safe held trusting interaction, integrate with awareness virtues & strengths, and always invite the next most courageous step. 

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CT, 2020

"Lisa has such a powerful presence and her mentoring is no exception. I felt very held, seen and heard and always came away with grounded and productive steps to implement, on top of motivation for deeper self enquiry. 

What I appreciated the most is Lisa's ability to ask the questions that helped my mind come around to see my own cognitive dissonance.
This helped me see patterns that I still keep an eye out for now. 

Lisa has a gift for holding space, creating deep enquiry, initiating change and being soulful throughout. I highly recommend Lisa.”

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